20 Tricks To Get Your Wife in Mood [You Never Imagined Them]
It’s no secret that married life can start to get boring after a while.
Spending day in and day out with the same person can start to get monotonous, which is why you need to spice it up every now and then.
If you feel like your wife hasn’t really been into it lately, get her into the mood using these 20 simple tips and tricks. I promise you they will work in ways you never imagined!

Top Ways To Get Your Wife in Mood
- Spray Her Favorite Cologne
- Create the Ambience
- Get Into The Shower Together
- Role Play
- Touch Her in a Loving Manner
- Give Her a Massage
- Tease Her
- Do Something Naughty
- Choose a Special Spot
- Learn Her Love Language
- Groom Yourself
- Play Some Games
1. Flirt With Her
Pretend like you two are young lovers. Hit on her, tell her that she looks hot. Keep at it so it builds momentum and gets her in the mood. What will turn her on even more is if you flirt with her in public. Whisper dirty things in her ear, or make eye contact with her at a party. All these flirty actions will surprise her and when you two get home she’ll be right in the mood.
2. Make Her Feel Special
Make her feel like she’s the only girl in the world- yes Rihanna’s right! By letting her know how special she is and how much you appreciate her, you will get her in the mood. Tell her that she’s doing a fantastic job and that you appreciate every small thing that she does from the food that she cooks to the way that she folds your clothes.
Do something to make her feel special; it can be anything from getting her flowers to breakfast in bed. She will automatically feel so much more love for you and it’ll instantly get her in the mood.
3. Make Her Laugh
Everyone knows the best way to turn on a woman is to make her laugh. Do or say something silly that will send her off in fits, it will attract her more towards you- trust me women dig that shit. Laugh over an old inside joke that the two of you have, it’ll make you reconnect with each other and get her in the mood.
4. Spray Her Favorite Cologne
The way you smell is the first thing that will attract a woman to you. There’s definitely one cologne of yours that your wife loves on you the most. Spray that all over yourself and purposely go close to her. She’ll instantly smell it and go crazy!
5. Create the Ambience
Your wife’s mood is heavily dependent on the environment around her. If you want to get her in the mood put some effort into creating a vibe around you. Light some candles, preferably scented candles that smell delicious. Lighting plays a huge role, make sure it’s not too bright as that is definitely not suggestive. Have dim lighting, spray the room with a nice scent, make it look good, and play some nice tunes you’ll be surprised at the wonders it’ll do!
6. Get Into The Shower Together
Ever heard of shower sex? Yes, it’s a thing! Create the mood by hopping into the shower together. Make it hot and steamy and turn her on in the shower. Stroke her hair and play with her body under the hot running water, it is an excellent technique that will be super effective.
7. Role Play
You probably know most of your wife’s fetishes and desires, so use that to your advantage! A bit of role-playing can spice things up in your married life and keep it from the same old everyday routine. Surprise her randomly with one of her fantasies that only the two of you know about, it’ll drive her crazy and make her fall in love with you all over again too!
8. Kiss Her As You Mean It
After being married for a while, we sometimes take something as small as a kiss for granted. Let’s be honest, when was the last time you kissed her properly, and by this, I don’t mean making out in bed? , I mean kissing her before leaving for work or when you come back home. Try it next time, give her a passionate kiss, not a peck randomly and you’ll see how it’ll work its magic.
9. Touch Her in a Loving Manner
Touch is one of the most powerful tools to turn someone on. This doesn’t necessarily have to be sexual. It can be the smallest thing from holding her hand to tickling her or rubbing her back. Be gentle and playful, I guarantee you it’ll give her butterflies and reignite the spark between you two.
10. Give Her a Massage
I’m going to leave this one to your imagination. Get her in the mood by massaging her body, it can be as PG-13 as you want it to be, after all, she’s your wife. Make it playful by starting off with her back or shoulders and then going all the way. You definitely can’t go wrong with it!
11. Talk to Her About Sex
Talking about sex is enough to get anyone in the mood for it. Remind her of a time when you two had amazing sex, the memory of it will be enough to turn her on and get her in the mood. Be completely open with her about your favorite part of having sex with her and then don’t forget to ask her hers. All that sex talk will have her going out of control.
12. Tease Her
Just because she’s your wife doesn’t mean you have to play by the rules. Keep it fun and interesting by teasing her every now and then. Text and ask her what she’s wearing while she’s at work, and drop hints of the crazy stuff you want to do to her in bed. By the time she gets home, she’ll be right in the mood.
13. Do Something Naughty
Sneak up on her by doing something naughty while she’s doing something as basic as washing the dishes. She’ll get turned on at your audacity as well as the action itself!
14. Choose a Special Spot
Pick a place that has some kind of sentimental value for both of you. It could be the place you two met for the first time or where you first had sex. Taking her to that special spot will bring back memories and melt her heart, not to mention it’ll get her right in the mood. Surprise her with the place and it’ll have an even bigger impact!
15. Book a Hotel Room
Nothing gets you in the mood quite like a hotel room. Surprise your woman and get her a hotel for the night, it’ll make her feel special for the night and that will give her all the feels. It’s not something you do often, so she’ll remember it for life.
16. Learn Her Love Language
It is no surprise that everyone likes to be loved in their own way and has their weak spots. Get to know your wife more intimately and find out how she likes to be loved. Does she like it gentle or hard? What are some of her weak spots that drive her absolutely crazy? Make an observation and then use this the next time that you make love to see, you’ll see how it gets her in the mood.
17. Groom Yourself
A freshly groomed man is hard to resist. If you want to get her in the mood make some effort with your appearance. Shave and shower with a nice scented soap, trim your facial hair and get into your favorite pair of boxers. Show her how badly you want her and that she’s worth the effect. Not only will this make her heart melt but it will also have her falling all over you- quite literally though!
18. Play Some Games
Take a break from your hectic routines and play some fun games that will get her in the mood. Whether it’s a game of strip poker or truth or dare, it’ll keep things exciting and interesting. Don’t forget to bring on all the crazy dares!
19. Take it Slow
If you want her to get into the mood slowly build up to it. Go slow and step-by-step so that it builds the anticipation and fully engages her. Seduce her and then touch her slowly, kissing her and stopping, just to make her want more. She’ll be able to feel it much more this way as opposed to it being rushed and it’ll totally get her in the mood!
20. Do a Nice Gesture For Her
You don’t have to just be sexual to get your wife in the mood. Doing a nice gesture for her like getting her flowers randomly or doing the dishes when it’s not your day can be enough to get her in the mood. Your gesture doesn’t have to be grand, just thoughtful. She’ll be touched and will want to be all over you!