How To Flirt With a Guy Without Being Obvious (35 Different Ways!)

Ever met a girl who is every guy’s favorite? Want to be like her?

Flirting is an art that not every girl can master.

Read this post to find out how to flirt with a guy in different settings without being too obvious. But before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a look at how men flirt and what they expect.

Flirt With Guy Without Being Obvious

Understanding Men

Regardless of age, men love the idea of flirting.

But always know that guys are not always attracted to the beautiful ones but to those who make themselves available.


Flirting almost always attracts men.

But every girl approaches flirting differently. Some go for sending affection signals, while others are a little more playful and teasing.

Whatever style you choose to flirt with a guy, the key is to be confident so you can send the right message across.

But most girls are reluctant to flirt out of fear of rejection or embarrassment and to solve this genuine problem, I am going to share 35 subtle ways to flirt with a guy without being too obvious.

Whether you study or work together or simply have a virtual relationship, there are always ways to flirt with him.

Flirting a Guy Over Text Without Being Obvious

You have met him already, and there is an intense attraction, but there is no surety. Try out things differently through text.

Flirting over text can be challenging primarily because:

  • First, there are non-verbal cues through which you can gauge his response and
  • Second, it is challenging to express your naughty side over text.

So here is a quick guide to how to get started and continue it for a lasting relationship.

1. Give it a Slow Start

 You don’t want to seem too desperate to get into a relationship. So give it a slow start. A few texts here and there are fine. Try not to overdo it in case there is no icebreaking between you two yet.

2. Text Him Accidentally

In case you are having a hard time getting started, this one is a good trick where you can still flirt without being too obvious.

Try this:

“The weekend plan works fine for me. Just check with Jane!”

And a few minutes later, you can send another one saying.

“Oops, sorry wrong message. By the way, how are things at your end?”

Even without showing that you had any intentions of having a conversation with him, you can get started.

3. Use Some Creativity

When flirting with a guy over text, “Hey, what’s up” will not work. Nor is a conversation about your family problems get you two going.

Use some creativity. Try something unique—something that can put a smile on his face and make him think about you throughout the day.

Here is an example:

“Hey, quickly choose one for me. Strawberry ice cream or mint chocolate chip?”

And if he does not respond, you can add:

“I prefer the latter, but just wanted to know which one will you choose for me?”

4. Leave Some Questions Unanswered

Refer to tip # 1. Take it slow. Even if there is chemistry between you two, it is best to take it slow and leave some unanswered questions.

You don’t have to respond to everything he asks.

Make it a little mysterious for him.

Tip: Yes, it is a subtle way of flirting!

Let him think more about you. Too many details about everything may backfire.

5. Be a Little Witty

Men love humor, and they love it, even more when it comes from their crush. Use light humor to cheer him up. Not that you have to forward jokes all day, but something original. Something related to both of you.

“I had so many to-dos for today. Can you please help because all I can do right now is think about you!”

6. Make the Most of Emojis

What if there is no body language that you can use to flirt with him?

Try emojis.

A wink and a grinning emoji can definitely add a lot more meaning to your message, even if you don’t write much.

7. Leave Some Things for Next Time

Flirty texts have to be short and sweet! And they don’t have to be all day long. It’s a good idea to send a few teasers to keep your guy interested, but it’s best to leave some things for next time too.

8. A Few Don’ts

When flirting with a guy over text and you still don’t want to be obvious, know a few don’ts.

  • Don’t get dirty over text – Remember, you don’t want to be too obvious.
  • Don’t text him all the time – You are not getting clingy; you have got other things to do.
  • Don’t go for longer, uninteresting stories – Keep it short and sweet for now.

And there is a lot more to flirting with a guy over text that you can read here.

Flirting Online With A Guy Without Being Obvious

You really like this guy and want to know more about him.

Stalk him on social media, and don’t miss a chance to flirt with him there.

After all, what’s a better way to find out what’s happening in his life than Instagram and Snapchat. So why not use it to your advantage?

9. Follow Him on Instagram

 As soon as you follow him on Instagram, he would know.

And you get access to all his lovely photos that you can like and compliment.

10. DM Him

 Another bold move would be to DM him. Who knows, he too might be interested in knowing more about your social side? 

When you DM him, don’t forget to display your mature yet witty persona.

A Quick Tip:

Your profile picture says a lot about you. Choose one wisely!

11. Like His Posts

“Like” it, and you will give all the subtle clues you need to send to your guy.

When you give attention to his posts, it won’t go unnoticed.

12. Share His Posts

Take it a step forward. Share his posts. Again this little effort may help you win him over.

13. Compliment His Posts (And Photos, Of course!)

The best part about Instagram is that you get to see the fun and exciting part of his life. And, of course, some of the best photos.

Compliment him. Share your thoughts and take help from emoticons.

But just like everything else, you don’t have to overdo it.

14. Find Out More About His Interests

With social media, you already get to know so much about a person without even asking them. But if it is about this one particular person you are flirting with, use this information to start a conversation.

Find more about his interests. His favorite activities. And the next step could be the possibility of doing it together. Maybe?

15. Flaunt About Yourself

Yes, you are trying to flirt with him over social media, but it’s not always about him. Flaunt about yourself. Show your fun side. Give him a glimpse of what it really feels like to be with you.

16. The Social Media Don’ts 

Yes, you will have to make an effort to flirt with him over social media. But here is a quick don’t list.

  • Don’t overdo it – Like everything else, take it slow. Remember, you don’t want to be too obvious.
  • Don’t share inappropriate content – You are just trying to flirt with him.
  • Don’t make inappropriate comments – One wrong comment may put him off, so be careful.

When things are online, one lousy impression can last for a long time. And the best way to deal with it is to avoid it.

Flirting A Guy at School/College Without Being Obvious

So you study with him.

And have a little naughty feeling for him.

Here is how to get started.

17. Be Friends With Him

First thing first. You will have to be friends with him to begin your expedition.

A great start could be to invite him over a group hangout plan.

He won’t feel awkward, and you, too, will get a way ahead.

And if you two are not in the same class, there can be several other ways to get in touch with him.

A quick tip:

Mutual friends are an asset – Use them wisely!

18. Get a Decent Intro

You have finally managed to have him at a friend’s party. Now you need a decent intro. (Which is a subtle indication of your availability)

Guys are good at picking up signals.

So rest assured your efforts won’t go unnoticed.

19. Invite Him

Inviting him over a drink or dance can be a good idea. But it may only work when you two know each other, and the icebreaking is already done.

If you are planning to invite him over dance, and he shows up, “contain your excitement.”

20. Keep the Meetings Short and Sweet

And once he is there, then obviously, that’s a start to weekend meetings and some pre-date hangouts!

But it is best to keep such meetings short and sweet.

There is still a long way to go!

Flirting With a Guy at Work Without Being Too Obvious

Flirting with a guy you know can be fun. But at the workplace, it’s a different ball game altogether. But so what if there are so many people around and it is a professional setting. You can still flirt with him and let him know what you want.

21. First Impression is the …

Impression matters. So get into your best look and get his attention.

But like always.

Take it slow, or it may give an impression of something else.

22. Know the Boundaries

It’s a professional setting and often a confined space. Observe the office rules, respect them, and know the boundaries before you get on with your game.

23. Don’t Miss a Chance to Compliment Him

At work, there are good days, and there are bad days. Know when to compliment him and when to encourage him.

And when he outperforms others, don’t miss a chance to compliment him.

24. Eye Contact is Important

Look straight into his eyes and get that instant connection.

He would know as you hold contact and give a smile away.

A quick tip:

Don’t hold in for too long, or it might make him uncomfortable.

In case it gets a little too awkward, and a few sneaky ones here and there notice it, you may ask a quick work-related question.

Why didn’t you respond to my email?

25. Smile

Men never fail to notice a woman’s smile.

So why not flash him with your bright smile and lit his day.

And the best part about a smile is that you can use it to show your fun side. But you can also use a slightly different smile to show desire.

Choose wisely! And in case you aren’t sure how to do it, practice a little in front of the mirror.

26. An Occasional Wink

Walk past him and when he is least expecting it, go for a quick wink.

Here a few guidelines.

  • Make sure no one else is around or observing you.
  • A slow wink works better.
  • If you are not sure how he may react to your wink, have a backup plan.

27. Go Physical

Brush against him, and you can take your flirting to a whole next level.

But like everything.

Go slow and gently brush past. You can also bump into him (accidentally, of course!)

28. It Has to Be About You

Add a sensual charm to yourself. Dress professionally but make it best to get his attention. Choose comfortable outfits that can also impress him. Attract by how you walk, move and work.

A flirty way seldom fails to get attention.

29. Collaborate

Perhaps, the best and foolproof way of flirting with a guy without being obvious is collaborating at work. And if you are not sure how to get something done, why not ask for his help?

Flirting with a Guy Without Being Obvious In All Other Physical Settings

Of course, you can try all of the above ways to flirt with a guy without being obvious; there is a little extra when you know him and are in a physical setting with him.

30. Find Subtle Ways to Get Into His Way

You need to grab something. Get into his way to get your job done.

Stroll past his desk. He cannot not give you the attention you were looking for.

31. Give Him Attention

If he is talking to you, give him attention. Listen intently. Look straight into his eyes. Give a nod.

You are not just listening!

32. A Heartily Laugh

A woman’s laughter can brighten up a man’s day. Give a heartily laugh and show that you love his company.

33. Focus on Your Lips

When you talk to him, pay special attention to your lips. He surely will do the same.

34. An Innocent Touch

Touch his arm or leg accidentally. A gentle, short touch will say a lot.

In case he is not comfortable, it was just accidental!

35. Make the Most of Your Body Language

You cannot deny the role of body language to get someone’s interest.

And you can make the most of it when you are not in a professional setting.

Be relaxed and show subtle signs of flirting without being too obvious.

Whether you are flirting with him over text or right in front of him, do it confidently!

Happy Flirting!